News - Page 96

Plant of the Week: Hemerocallis

When you’re looking for a splash of summer colour, reach for a Hemerocallis.

Apple juice season

Autumn is a great time to plant new apple trees, and you’ll find trees to fit even the smallest garden here at the garden centre in Lymington. 

What to do in the garden in September

September is a crossover month in the garden. Here are this month’s garden jobs. 

Plant of the Week: Aster

Multicoloured daisies are bursting open and filling borders with brilliant colour right now - for this is the season of the Aster.

Hedgehog housing

A new census of hedgehog housing has been launched by Hedgehog Street, the national campaign to reverse the decline in hedgehog numbers. Between now and the 31st October, the census sets out to find out how hedgehogs live, especially in gardens where hedgehog houses have been installed.

Tackling vine weevils

Tackle vine weevils now, before they take a hold, as early action can make all the difference. Swing into action while the damage is limited to just a few notches in the leaves – the first tell-tale signs that these nasty little bugs are about – and you’ll head off potential disaster: vine weevil grubs can kill a plant outright once they get going.

Prune summer raspberries

Prune summer raspberries as soon as you pick the last of the fruits, to encourage lots of lush, strong new growth ready for next year’s harvest.

It's time to trim!

Now is the time to trim evergreen hedges, while they’re at their peak yet while there’s also still time for any new growth which follows to ripen and harden up before the winter frosts set in. A good trim now also makes sure your hedge goes into the end of the season looking in tip-top condition, with crisp, neat edges and a sharp outline just in time for their star role as a handsome architectural framework for your winter garden.

Preparing new lawns

Prepare soil for a new lawn ready to sow or turf next month. Autumn is ideal for preparing new lawns as the grass has plenty of time to put down strong roots before it starts to grow in earnest next spring – so it’ll be well established by the time you come to enjoy it in summer.

National Heritage Week Ireland

It’s a green-fingered National Heritage Week for Ireland this year, as visitors are invited to celebrate the diversity of Ireland’s nature through some of its greatest gardens.